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Notepad notes
Outdoors Tutoring


Personalised learning, step-by-step explanations, and encouraging tutors.

Online Studies


Personalised attention, flexible scheduling, and access to a wide range of subjects.

Home schooling

In  person

One-on-one attention, a customised approach to learning, and a comfortable and convenient environment to help students excel.

Students Taking Exams

Matura preparation

A comprehensive understanding of the Swiss Matura curriculum and an intense pre-prepared course.

Our Ethos

Our Ethos 



Our team has the aim of supporting students in their studies and homework, but also motivating them to take further steps in their education outside of school. Each lesson is catered for the individual, as we strive to personalise every learning experience.

Children at School


We believe, that as high-school graduates, we have the ability to provide our students with the knowledge they need to succeed. Having worked through the school system ourselves, we understand how complex problems can be best understood by a students mind.



"Ever since I began lessons, my understanding of themes has got better. The sessions are enjoyable and there is no judgement with the pace of my understanding. I have been shown many new ways to solve questions which has improved my exam performance."

- Nazli, Grade 9

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